- {{err}}
- {{err}}
{{tr("Order Number")}} | {{orderData.ordernumber}} |
{{tr("Order Date")}} | {{printTime(new Date(orderData.orderdate.replace(/ /g,"T") + "Z"))}} |
{{tr("Your Email")}} | {{orderData.emaill}} |
{{tr("Your Wallet Address")}} | |
{{tr("VOUCHER NUMBER")}} | {{orderData.voucher_num}} |
{{tr("VOUCHER CODE")}} | {{orderData.voucher_cod}} |
{{tr("Tag")}} | {{orderData.memo2}} |
{{tr("Order Link")}} | {{webLocation}} |
{{tr("Payment Successful")}}
{{tr('Your Payment Time Expired')}}
{{tr('Order Cancelled')}}
{{(OrderRemaining / 60)<10?"0":""}}{{parseInt(OrderRemaining / 60)}}:{{((OrderRemaining % 60)<10?'0':'')}}{{parseInt(OrderRemaining % 60)}}
{{tr("Send {Amount} {Symbol} within 15 minutes {MEMO} to the following address").replace("{Amount}",orderData.amount1).replace("{Symbol}",coinsInfo[CurrencyFrom]["name_" + selectedLang]).replace("{MEMO}",(orderData.memo1?tr("with the MEMO"):""))}}
{{tr("Please note that MEMO is necessary")}}
{{tr("Your Payment Status")}}: {{tr(orderData.stat1)}}
{{tr("Order Status")}}: {{tr(orderData.stat2)}}
Sypool(SYP) is a cryptocurrency which operates as a token on Solana platform. Sypool has a circulating supply of 65,364,660 tokens. Current Sypool price is 0.00057$ which is up by 0.35% compared with 24 hours ago. Total trading volume of the past 24 hours that one side of the trade has been Sypool is 46,495$. With current prices, Sypool market cap(the value of all circulating Sypools) is 37,058$ which is 0% of cryptocurrency market. In this page, you can find complete Sypool data and Sypool price charts from top exchanges. Please write your comments about Sypool or other cryptocurrencies at the bottom section of this page.
Read More Read Less(Less than 0.01% of the market)
( 0.0005137338 Euro)
Sypool / Dollar (SYPUSD) Price Chart
To get free Dogecoin, you can go to the following address:
Please I changed my phone so I am trying to log in but the app is saying that my email has been registered already but it didn’t give me access to my earnings
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To get free Dogecoin, you can go to the following address:
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Free ETH are not given on the site.
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You can place your desired order by referring to the exchange section.
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You can receive Dogecoin through the FreeDogeCoin section:
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You need to enter your dogecoin address and click submit so registration form pops up. It is simple and basic.
А бесплатные эфириумы там можно вывести на кошелек или так и остаются в майнинге, пока не пополнишь баланс?
Ethereum mining is not possible on the website. You can earn free Dogecoin only through the link below.
You can earn free dogecoin on the website only through the link below.
You can place your desired order by referring to the exchange section.
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The future is cross-chain and you can do that now a token bridge. A cross-chain bridge let’s you launch your token on multiple blockchains and allow users send your tokens
.Cross chain bridge developmentbetween chain.
{{tr("By")}} {{r.comment_author}}{{r.comment_date}}