Husky Avax(HUSKY) is a cryptocurrency which operates as a token on Avalanche C-Chain platform. Husky Avax has a circulating supply of 0 tokens. Current Husky Avax price is 0.00000$ which is down by 8.06% compared with 24 hours ago. Total trading volume of the past 24 hours that one side of the trade has been Husky Avax is 12,797$. With current prices, Husky Avax market cap(the value of all circulating Husky Avaxs) is 0$ which is 0% of cryptocurrency market. In this page, you can find complete Husky Avax data and Husky Avax price charts from top exchanges. Please write your comments about Husky Avax or other cryptocurrencies at the bottom section of this page.
Read More Read Less(Less than 0.01% of the market)
( 0.0000000000 Euro)
Husky Avax / Dollar (HUSKYUSD) Price Chart
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